An Apology (Of Sorts)
Seems as if my previous post generated much criticism especially from the anonymous amongst you. Very brave. Interestingly, the most concise comment came from Rob, a thirteen year old. Good luck with your blog mate. The thoughtful comment of 'tosser' was most enlightening.
However, I agree that on reflection the article was perhaps a bit over the top and for that I apologise to Lee Harrison. I don't agree though that, despite running a business, this would restrict you sufficiently from not visiting The Valley in over 13 years. I agree that it might prevent you from visiting on a regular basis but no-one works 24/7 and especially in recent years we have had sufficient Sunday games that would have made such a visit possible if you work Saturday's. Also, I would have thought that by putting yourself forward for this article, or a 'friend' putting you forward for it, you have to accept that some people are going to disagree with it's content and perhaps comment on it.
So, I hope Lee will accept my apologies if the article caused him any offence. For those whose first visit it was to this blog I urge you to read previous posts to see what the content is usually and to those that have visited before I hope that you continue to do so.
Updates during the summer may be few and far between but The Rumour Mill Site will be up-dated on an almost daily basis.